"1. President Obama Promised No Earmarks In Stimulus Package, But Signed Bill With Thousands Of Earmarks
2. President Obama Pledged To 'Dump' The Patriot Act, But Some Of Its Most Controversial Provisions Still Exist Today
3. President Obama Promised To Ask Canada and Mexico To Renegotiate NAFTA; Official: He Has No Intention To Do So
4. President Obama Promised No More Wall Street Bail-outs... Then Came The Meltdown Of Institutions Like AIG...
5. President Obama Promised To End The War In Iraq, Bring Troops Home In 2009... U.S. Troops Are Still In Iraq Today
6. President Obama Promised To Close Guantanamo Within His First Year Of Presidency... It's Still Not Closed
7. President Obama Promised To End Detainee Torture, But His Administration Recently Endorsed Bush Positions Allowing It
8. President Obama Promised To Achieve Comprehensive Immigration Reform In 2009, Now He Says It Will Wait Until 2010
9. President Obama Promised To Break With President Bush's Abuses Of Power, NTY: The Cover-Up Continues...
10. President Obama Promised to Reinstate Net Neutrality Within His First Year In Office, Today Promise Is Still Unfulfilled"
So why do politicians even make promises, when even THEY can't keep them. Is it so that there chances of getting elected can increase? Or is it because they really think they can do it, but they dont understand how hard it can actually be? Don't you think that someone making a promise should know 100 percent that they can uphold to that promise? Just like any other person. In my opinion, you shouldn't make promises that you dont know you can keep or not, no matter who you are! I think that you should just not make any promises, or hint that you will TRY your hardest to do it, and then in the end SURPRISE them by doing something everyone wished for, in the end! That would be a happy ending, instead of encountering disappointment from a broken promise.
Siegal, Elyse. "Ten Promises Broken Or Unfullfilled By President Barack Obama." HuffingtonPost.com. Huffington Post, 18 Mar 2010. Web. 10 Nov 2010.