Monday, November 15, 2010

Broken Promises From Obama

Obama has made plenty of promises but has any of them really been kept? Has the the 44th President of the United States has made plenty of promises, but has not kept all of them, or has no fulfilled them all the way? Elyse Siegal from the Huffington Post tells us 10 broken promises made, and broken or unfulfilled by President Obama.
"1. President Obama Promised No Earmarks In Stimulus Package, But Signed Bill With Thousands Of Earmarks
2. President Obama Pledged To 'Dump' The Patriot Act, But Some Of Its Most Controversial Provisions Still Exist Today
3. President Obama Promised To Ask Canada and Mexico To Renegotiate NAFTA; Official: He Has No Intention To Do So
4. President Obama Promised No More Wall Street Bail-outs... Then Came The Meltdown Of Institutions Like AIG...
5. President Obama Promised To End The War In Iraq, Bring Troops Home In 2009... U.S. Troops Are Still In Iraq Today
6. President Obama Promised To Close Guantanamo Within His First Year Of Presidency... It's Still Not Closed
7. President Obama Promised To End Detainee Torture, But His Administration Recently Endorsed Bush Positions Allowing It
8. President Obama Promised To Achieve Comprehensive Immigration Reform In 2009, Now He Says It Will Wait Until 2010
9. President Obama Promised To Break With President Bush's Abuses Of Power, NTY: The Cover-Up Continues...
10. President Obama Promised to Reinstate Net Neutrality Within His First Year In Office, Today Promise Is Still Unfulfilled"

So why do politicians even make promises, when even THEY can't keep them. Is it so that there chances of getting elected can increase? Or is it because they really think they can do it, but they dont understand how hard it can actually be? Don't you think that someone making a promise should know 100 percent that they can uphold to that promise? Just like any other person. In my opinion, you shouldn't make promises that you dont know you can keep or not, no matter who you are! I think that you should just not make any promises, or hint that you will TRY your hardest to do it, and then in the end SURPRISE them by doing something everyone wished for, in the end! That would be a happy ending, instead of encountering disappointment from a broken promise.

Siegal, Elyse. "Ten Promises Broken Or Unfullfilled By President Barack Obama." Huffington Post, 18 Mar 2010. Web. 10 Nov 2010. .

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Why do people cheat? When one is in a relationship with another person, shouldn't an automatic promise be made that you will not have relations with another person?! Truth is:

22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives.

14 percent of married women have had affairs at least once during their married lives.

Younger people are more likely candidates; in fact, younger women are as likely as younger men to be unfaithful.

70 percent of married women and 54 percent of married men did not know of their spouses' extramarital activity.

5 percent of married men and 3 percent of married women reported having sex with someone other than their spouse in the 1997.

22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to having sexual relations outside their marriage sometime in their past.

Isn't that just interesing?! So many people cheat while they are in a relationship, so shouldnt that mean that they shouldnt even be in a relationship if they cant keep the promise to be with their loved one?

Gary Neuman is a family counselor, marriage mediator, a nationwide divorce therapist, and much more. Heas on the Oprah show, and he had an interview type thing on the Oprah show, all about cheating, and why they cheat. Neuman states that you should praise your partner and make them feel appretiated. People often cheat because they feel underappreciated, and that they do not matter in their spouses life. During his appearance, a woman tells Neuman about how her husband cheated on her. She says the "affair was painful, but the lying was worse. When you've been married for so long and you trust someone so much and they look you in the eye and they're telling you a lie, it takes a lot to move past that."
When you get married to someone, you promise to love and cherish them. To protect them and care for them. But when you cheat, and lie about it, you are taking something from them. A part of their soul, a part from their heart. When you cheat on someone, you are breaking a promise to them, whether it was spoken, or unspoken.

Values of Promises

When one makes a promise, you expect them to keep it. Even just the little things like promising to call a person at night, can change how people can feel towards you. They could be waiting all day, and all night waiting for your phone call, and then it never comes around. They start to feel unimportant and they give up hope in you. If you keep breaking the promises that you give to them, eventually they will not believe you, and you have then lost a friend.
ezienarticles states that when you break a promise to someone it shows three things:
1.The promise whom the person was made to it not in the top of the priority list, and not as valued as others.
2. That the person making the promise is trying to make too many to too many people. And then, failing.
3. That the promise is just not important enough to be kept.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

3 Ways to Keep Your Promises....From

Before making a promise, be sure that you can back it up. If you tell a child that you'll go to Six Flags next Saturday, then you'd better make it happen. Short of an emergency, there is no excuse to break your promise.

When a commitment is made that involves a chunk of change, you'd better have the money or have the ability to obtain it by your self-imposed deadline. If you make a promise to someone before considering what is involved, it is more likely that you'll end up breaking that promise...and their faith in you.

When you can be counted on to always deliver, and mean what you say, the faith that others have in you grows. When your word is enough to convince others that your promise is good, you have established yourself as trustworthy. Mean what you say, and deliver on your promises to both young and old. By doing this consistently, you will gain true respect and trust from others.

Avoid Getting Hurt By Broken Promises.

Obviously, the worse way to ruin a relationship is to break any kind of promise. It ruins the trust that the person has for you, and it kind of takes a little bit of something away from that person, or even both. EHOW.COM states there are specific ways to keep yourself from getting hurt:
Ask a few trusted friends or relatives if you are guilty of making promises that you don't keep. If you are, apologize and ask them to help help so that avoid breaking your word in the future.

Determine why you break promises. Perhaps you don't want to tell anyone "no" because you don't want to disappoint them. It may be that you intend to keep the promises that you make, but you forget them. It may be that you don't realize that you are making promises, but the words you use make other people think that you are.

List ways to tell people "no" in terms that won't offend them. You can say, "I would like to but I can't" and then state the reason. Or use language that validates the other person's request without refusing it outright, such as "Perhap I can, I'll let you know." This will give you time to compose a gentle refusal, which you can deliver by email or phone.

Write down the promises on a calendar or a "to do" list. Then develop the habit of checking the list every day and crossing off the things you have done. You also can ask the person to remind you within a certain period if you have not done what you said.

Preface what you say with, "I'm not promising to do this..." so that even if the words you use sound like you are making a promise, you are making a clear statement about your real intent. This will help everyone to know what you really mean.


I am doing my essay on promises now, instead of promise rings. I've brain stormed some ideas that can link to promises, such as cheating, promise rings, real love vs. puppy love, marriage, etc. Does anyone have any ideas!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Promise Ring Song!

A promise thing means many things to many people. In this song, she expresses her vision of a promise ring when her boyfriend gave her a promise ring. It may be an up beat song, but you can hear the meaning in her voice as she sings. LISTEN!

Is the next stage to a promise ring getting engaged?

Yes, and no. Depending on the promise ring it can mean many different things. There are promise rings that parents give to their children, either to save sex for marriage, or to stay substance free. For people who get promise rings from a boyfriend or a girlfriend, it can mean engagement...eventually. It shows that your relationship is more serious than just the "boyfriend, girlfriend" title. It also shows that you will get engaged in the future, but that can be anywhere from 2 to 5 years! My professor Greg Heinzman calls the promise ring the "I'm not so sure!" ring. But the promise ring means so much more than just that. It can mean 'i will keep your secrets' or 'i will be faithful to you' or 'you are my best friend' or 'i will always be there for you' or 'i will abstain from gambling, drinking, smoking, etc.' it can just keep a single promise, that may not be engagment to eachother.